Special Mikrotek PCD or SMP Dies
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
What changes have been made to the historical die?
- The right choice of PCD blank is made based on the combination of material drawn, wire surface finish required, heat generated during drawing, and the speed of drawing.
- We use our proprietary ‘Solid Rock Technology’ to mount the PCD blanks into the casing.
- The die profile is customized to give continuous benefits to our customers.
Why SMP Dies?
- Our ‘Solid Rock Technology’ ensures high thermal conductivity and thermal stability, giving long life and a good wire surface for several miles of drawing.
- Extended die life from every resize.
- In most cases, there are more recuts beyond the recommended size of PCD manufacturers.
- Cost-effective as self-supported SMP dies can substitute expensive TCS PCD dies.
Generally, self-supported and fine-grain PCD blanks are used in most applications.
- Retention of roundness for a long time.
- Less downtime of drawing machine.
- Suitable for both wet and dry drawing.
- A profitable substitute for TC dies used in making carbon steel wires.
- Can be comfortably used for many miles of wire drawing even under no repolishing conditions.
Get in touch with us for more info
Call Us on +91 80 4268 8999 or Email Us at info@mikrotek.org